Password Security – Protect Yourself and Your Identity
inet - February 13, 2012 - Blog
Your password should meet the following criteria to increase your protection:
- It should contain at least 7 characters
- It should have at least one upper case letter
- It should have at least one lower case letter
- It should contain at least one number
These additional tips will help increase the strength of your password
- Don’t use any part of your username, full name, address, birth date, and so on. This data may be readily available to those wishing to do harm.
- Don’t use English or even words from another language.
- Use different kinds of characters in your password such as #@!&.
- Change passwords often (every month to six weeks).
- Don’t write your passwords on a sticky note and post it on your monitor/computer/desk.
- Use Passwords for your mobile devices like iPads and smart phones.
- Use a different password for each log-in account you have. One for the bank, one for school, one for work, one for Facebook, etc…
- Don’t give your password to others